Pain assessment instruments

The observation lists REPOS and PAINAD can be used to score non-verbal expressions of pain and are often used for older people with expression problems. An observational assessment is also useful in vulnerable older people with or without mild cognitive/communication limitations.

Another instrument that is often used for people with dementia and expression problems is the PACSLAC.

The TRILL  is a tool to map the background of pain based on Type, Relation, Intensity, Length of period and Location. You use the TRILL  when you want to investigate the background of  pain complaints.

The NRS is a numerical rating scale. This is a suitable instrument for someone who can verbally indicate their pain. A pain score of 4 or lower is generally considered to represent an acceptable level of pain. The pain score is regularly measured in the hospital and serves as a performance indicator that indicates the quality of care and must be justified. If a pain score on the NRS is higher than 4, the pharmacological and/or non-pharmacological pain interventions are examined to determine whether they need to be adjusted.



Bleijenberg N. & Van der Sande, J. in: Bakker T ., Habes V., Quist, G., Van der Sande, J., Van de Vrie, W. (2019) Klinisch redeneren bij ouderen. Functiebehoud in levensloopperspectief.  Bohn Stafleu van Loghum 

Verenso 2016. Multidisciplinaire Richtlijn Pijn. Herkenning en behandeling van pijn bij kwetsbare ouderen. Deel 1 , pagina 10 en deel 2, paragraaf 3.3.3

VER-003-32-Richtlijn-Pijn-deel2-v5LR.pdf (verenso.n

beter-laten-aanbevelingen-2020.pdf (