Pain anamnesis, TRILL

For an accurate and comprehensive picture of pain complaints, the type of pain and the possible causes and consequences can be determined through anamnesis using the TRILL method.

With this tool, the practitioner systematically maps out the Type, Relation, Intensity, Lenght of period, Location,  with other matters or activities. Note whether pain is the problem or affects other problems. Consider rehabilitation that is hampered by pain.

  • T Type of the pain: determine what kind of pain the patient is experiencing (acute, nagging, burning, tingling). Did something happen? What does the patient think is the cause of the pain?
  • R Relation: what provokes the complaint? Are there any other complaints? Pain avoidance behaviour: number of hours spent in bed, use of painkillers.
  • I  Intensity and impact: an assessment/instrument can be used for this, such as VAS, NRS, REPOS, etc. Which activities are hindered by the pain?
  • L length of Period : since when and at what times has the patient had pain?
  • L Location of the pain: use a pain chart if the patient is having difficulty pointing to the place.



Bleijenberg N. & Van der Sande, J. in: Bakker T ., Habes V., Quist, G., Van der Sande, J., Van de Vrie, W. (2019) Klinisch redeneren bij ouderen. Functiebehoud in levensloopperspectief.  Bohn Stafleu van Loghum